Immediately Change Your Destiny in 4-Steps

Look around you.

If you ask most people, they'll tell you,

Where they are right now isn't where they want to be.

They are stuck in a hole that they can't get out of.

A hole that was dug through consumption and circumstances that seemed out of their control. Things that 'weren't their fault'.

They don't want to admit this, though.

If you ask a stranger about it, they'll put up a front, acting like their life is everything they've ever dreamed of.

"How are you", we ask.

"Living the Dream," they respond automatically.

Most lie to themselves, acting like they know how the world works.

The lessons taught by their teachers, parents, and peers got them to where they are now.

If they're living a life they aren't proud of, don't you think that advice is flawed?

The life you and I live is a culmination of the people we listen to and our choices. If we want a different life, then we need to start making choices different from the ones that got us here in the first place.

Most people are too egotistical to admit this.

They will make the same choices for the rest of their lives and have many regrets.

Do you want that?

I know I don't.

So let's change it. Let's decide to change our circumstances in favor of the life that we dream for ourselves.

How can we do this?

Who do we talk to who has everything figured out?

We can look to God's Word for answers.

The Five Duties

In the Holy Bible, God handed us the keys to living a fulfilling life.

It's been with us for thousands of years, but we just didn't see it.

Like most wisdom passed down through the ages, it fell on deaf ears.

The place we look is the very first text that started all, Genesis 1.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 1:28 KJV

So, what is God saying here?

He entrusted Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, with these five duties:

  1. Be fruitful.

He starts by telling them to BE.

He then gives 3 actions:

  1. Multiply.

  2. Replenish the earth

  3. Subdue the earth

These actions are things they must DO.

  1. Have Dominion

God tells us to Be, then to Do, and then we will Have.

Be → Do → Have

We can break this down much deeper, but the main idea is that God is giving us a sequence that we must go through to live a Godly life.

You can't have something if you don't do what it takes to get it.

And you don't do the actions if that's not who you are.

  • Be a little → Do a little → Have a little.

  • Be a lot → Do a lot → Have a lot.

If you consider yourself a non-smoker (your be), would you smoke (the do)?

Probably not, which makes sense.

Who you are determines the actions you take.

But, most people have it backward.

The majority of people today think that once they HAVE X, then they'll be able to DO more of Y, and then they'll BE Z.

"When I have a better job, then I'll be able to take her on more dates and we'll be happier."

They think Have → Do → Be.

However, having and doing always stem from being, that's why God tells us to Be first.

A seed must grow into something greater than it currently is, to produce a fruit. It must be more before it can have fruit.

Just like us, if we want to have more than we currently have, we have to do more than we currently do, which means we have to be more than we currently are.

"Here's the great challenge of life: You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are."

Jim Rohn, author, and entrepreneur

Others call this the 'self-concept' or the 'self-image', how you perceive yourself, and your state of being in the present moment influences what you have.

You must be more than you currently are to have more than you currently have.

So to have more, we must, do more; and doing more comes from being more.

How do we be more than we already are?

There's a simple process that we can follow to get there.

The 4-Step Process to Being More and Changing Your Destiny

You can do this process once or multiple times, and it will allow you to figure out exactly what it takes to become greater than yourself so that you can move into the life you've always wanted.

Following each step is crucial because it gradually allows you to convert into a higher state of being and turn that being into action, the DO of God's Formula.

This process has been used by some of the greatest high-performers and entrepreneurs of our time

  • Tony Robbins

  • Myron Golden

  • Brian Tracy

  • Jim Rohn

  • Andrew Tate

  • Kobe Bryant

  • Connor McGregor

They all use this process to push themselves to be the best they possibly can be.

And now, it is your chance to use this for your own.

Step 1: Using the Power of God → Imagination and Creation

When God created man, he made him in God's image.

This means that the image came first before Man could be.

We must form a mental image of who we want to be before we can be more than we are.

So use the power of imagination.

The best way to do this is to look at your everyday life.

Who do you look at on the daily that you aspire to be like? What qualities do they have in their character that you wish you had?

I have a whole list of people (fiction and non-fiction) who have character traits that I wish to adopt.

People like Marcus Aurelius, Jordan Peterson, Maximus (from Gladiator), and much more.

What movies or shows do you watch where you think, "Wow, I wish I acted like that"?

Don't think of actions they do, but rather the character traits they possess that make them take those actions.

Someone on my list is Aang (from Avatar: The Last Airbender). I admire his mercy, grace, and inventiveness, such as when he spares the life of the main antagonist, Fire Lord Ozai, and creates a new way to defeat him without killing him.

Instances like this are good examples of how you can look at anybody, real or fiction, and try to embody their character traits in your own life.

After all, fictional characters are created because we want their character traits.

Make a list of all of these people and the character traits you wish you had.

This will be your tribe of mentors.

This makes the imagination process much easier, rather than thinking of qualities out of thin air, look at examples you've observed.

Once we get the qualities we want to possess out on paper, we then move to step 2.

Step 2: Unification and Eliminate Doubt

If you want to move towards being something more than yourself, you must be 100% certain.

You cannot be indefinite, your mind must be all in on becoming this better version of you.

Think of a car, everything must be fully operational before it can move.

If everything in your car works, except your engine, you won't be going anywhere.

Similarly, your entire being must be aligned and in agreement with the person you want to become, you cannot be indefinite.

In the Marvel universe, Thor has a device called the Bifrost.

A machine that creates a 2-way bridge, between Thor's world, and any planet he chooses to go to.

This is how he travels from his home world (Asgard) to Earth.

The Bifrost only works when Thor is 100% certain about where he wants to go. If not, it will spit him out thousands of light-years away from where he wanted.

Like us, we must have a crystal clear picture of the person we want to be, and we will move towards it.

The universe is a mirror.

Your inner world is reflected in your outer world.

This step only works when there is 0 doubt about the qualities that we want to possess.

If you're trying to row a boat across a lake, doubt is the person rowing in the opposite direction, preventing you from going anywhere.

This step may take some time, but the more you move toward this higher state of being, you'll catch momentum, and it gets easier as time goes on.

Step 3: Using the Power of God Pt. 2 → Communication and the Word.

The word is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

It is so powerful, God created everything in this universe using only His spoken Word; and since we were created in His image, we have a similar power.

The word "abracadabra" means 'I create as I speak'.

We all create through our speech whether we realize it or not.

We can make money, build relationships, save lives, or we can hurt others, and burn bridges, all through the spoken word.

The easiest way we can start moving towards being more is by focusing on our communication, and how we talk.

How we talk is the translation of our identity.

When we make a mistake and say "I'm so stupid", we are subconsciously identifying ourselves as stupid, which reinforces that identity in our being.

I'm sure no one wants to be stupid, so instead of labeling yourself as stupid, label the action, "Oh, that was stupid", or "That was stupid of me".

Words are seeds.

The less we plant bad seeds in ourselves and others, the less bad fruit will grow.

So focus on communicating positive words that help build others and they will build yourself too.

Speak only things that reinforce the identity that you want to be.

Step 4: The Bridge to Reality → Implementation

Once we have imagined the person we want to become, we eliminate doubt and improve our communication, the next step is to implement.

Look at the qualities that you want to embody.

What actions need to be done to be considered that type of person?

If you want to be more gracious, the next time somebody cuts you off on the way to work, show grace by not getting angry.

If you want to be a leader, take the initiative on that next project at work or school.

We can look at and study these qualities all we want, but we must take action to exemplify these qualities when the timing presents itself.

I call these turning points.

There are points in time where you have a choice…

You can either choose to act the way you have always acted, taking the safe route.

Or, you can choose to act in favor of your better self, the qualities that you want to embody.

Here's an example:

Let's say that you want to be adventurous and courageous. You want to take risks and tell lots of stories from the adventures that you've had throughout your life.

But in this example, let's say a few days in your schedule open up (3-4 days) where you don't have to work at all.

The choice presents itself where, what most people do, is sit on their couch for those days doom-scrolling on social media.

The turning point is when (assuming you have the funds) you follow the steps I've explained to you put your vision into action, and book a 4-day trip to a place you've always wanted to go, the Caribbean Islands, for example.

Which would you remember more?

Spending 4 days on the Caribbean Islands, or doom-scrolling on your couch.

This all came from a decision at the turning point.

God gave us the ability to design our characters, like a video game. The only way that we turn these characters into real-life players is through acting on the turning points that present themselves daily.

TLDR(Too Long Didn't Read);

To have more, we must do more, which means we must be more.

Be has to come first in the equation.

There is a 4-step process to being more.

Step 1: Imagine

Use the power of your mind, look at the people around you, take their best qualities, and imagine if you had those.

Create a new persona for yourself, a better version of yourself that you must compare yourself to every day.

Write down an entire bio of the person you want to be.

Step 2: Unify

Your new persona must align with your mind, body, and spirit. If your new persona is confident, and you show anxiety that prevents you from doing things, there's misalignment, and you can't move forward like this.

This persona must align with the higher power that you believe in.

Once that happens and you are committed, movement becomes inevitable.

Step 3: Communicate

Words are seeds, everything you want for yourself starts with your words and how you speak.

Everything you say exemplifies and reinforces your identity.

Only speak words that your best version would speak.

Step 4: Implement

Action is the bridge between what you want internally and your external world.

We must learn to become aware of the turning points.

We have the decision to act like the person we always have been, or we can choose to act in favor of our higher/best self.

This is how you move into a higher state of being, a higher state of consciousness.

This is how your being influences your do's, which directly results in the things that you have.

Now, it is time to put these steps into practice.

All I want you to do is just start with step 1, you don't have to do all of them now.

But become a person of action by taking the first step.

Don't wait.

It is laziness and procrastination that have controlled so many of us, including myself.

Don't let it control you too.

If you liked this newsletter, let me know by replying or tweeting to me.

Or, if you hated it and want me to talk about something different, let me know too. The more feedback I get, the more I can talk about the things that you want to read.

This is a learning experience for me as much as it is for you.

Thanks for reading,


— Ferrone


I want to throw this YouTube Short in here because I think it drives the point home, enjoy.